The WTC hosted an interactive exhibition - "Admissions’ Navigator"

28 Sep 2021

On September 25th and 26th, the WTC Moscow Congress Center welcome the largest educational exhibition in the CIS - "Admissions’ Navigator".

The aim of the exhibition was to acquaint high school students, applicants and their parents with the best universities in the country and the world. Representatives from more than 30 educational institutions, such as Moscow State University, took part in the interactive exposition and educational program, which took place simultaneously at the conference halls of MSU M.V. Lomonosov, MGIMO (U) MFA of Russia, HSE, MIPT, Financial University, RANEPA, Campus France and others.

The exhibition is here to help one choose an educational institution, which, as the practice of the annual event shows, is the main goal of the high-school students and their families. It is held twice a year, in autumn and winter, and provides an opportunity to determine the profession, learn about the current methods of preparing for the exams, and get the most relevant information about admission to universities.


During the event, representatives of educational institutions and current students shared with future applicants the specifics of admission, the course of the admission campaign, a profession choice, passing exams and specifics of training, while answered numerous questions. Campus France, Education USA, Nuffic Neso Russia told future students about all the nuances of admission to foreign universities and how to correctly assemble a portfolio for admission, win a grant or receive a scholarship from a foreign university.

High school students learned how to determine or choose their future profession, pass the USE (ЕГЭ) with a high score and enter the best universities in Russia, France, Holland, Canada, Australia, Slovenia, China and the USA. For the applicants’ parents there was a session on the exam preparation timeframe, search for a tutor, and stress management during the exams period.

For future school graduates, a lecture on the changes made by the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements in the Unified State Exam in 2022 was organized. It covers the question: which tasks will be added and which ones will be excluded in exams in each subject, how the assessment criteria for assignments have changed and how many points can be obtained for the entire work.

The "Admissions’ Navigator" exhibition has been held since 2014, and the total number of visitors to the exhibition exceeded 250 thousand people. This figure suggests that every year future applicants face similar problems, since the choice of a university for a family is always an important step.

High school students and future applicants can get more detailed information for further admission to higher educational institutions on the information and educational portal "Navigator of admission" online, where it is constantly updated, by clicking the link.

In September 2019, the exhibition was held in 18 cities of Russia and the CIS. The educational forum was attended by 100 largest federal universities, more than 27 500 applicants and their parents, as well as top employers and representatives of the business community. In 2020, it took place in an online format, where across the 2 days of the exhibition broadcast, the total number of views exceeded 10 million.

In September-October 2021, the Admissions’ Navigator will be held in 11 cities of Russia: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Krasnoyarsk, Yaroslavl, Volgograd, Novosibirsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Kazan, Samara, Ryazan.

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